Frau mit Fächer in Rückenansicht, François Boucher, François Boucher;  workshop
François Boucher, François Boucher
Frau mit Fächer in Rückenansicht
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François Boucher: La Fontaine d'Amour, 1748, Öl auf Leinwand, 294,6 x 337,8 cm. Inv. Nr. 71.PA.37, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

François Boucher
François Boucher workshop

Frau mit Fächer in Rückenansicht, 1752

529 x 406 mm
Inventory Number
Object Number
1228 Z
Acquired in 1840
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

The two large-scale drawings of elegantly dressed ladies (inv. no. 1228 Z and 1229 Z) were conceived as companion pieces. Boucher made pointed use of the white and black chalk to lend the sumptuous garments plasticity and make the materiality of the heavy silks palpable. He modelled the ridges and valleys formed by the fabric and gave it a lustrous sheen. In these works, Boucher monumental- ized the ladies of Watteau’s fêtes galantes.

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