Ohne Titel, Karl Otto Götz
Karl Otto Götz
Ohne Titel
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Karl Otto Götz

Ohne Titel, 1956

122 x 91 cm
Physical Description
Acrylic on canvas
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2011 as a gift from Margarethe and Klaus Posselt
On display, lower level, Contemporary Art, room 17 / 18


About the Work

No title stands between us and the work – no words to steer our thoughts. We are lured by dynamic streams of colour and energetic brushstrokes – immediately captivated by the large, broad sweep of movement that begins at the upper left and forms an elliptical vortex at the picture’s centre. The revolutions seem almost to make the picture burst through its edges. Then, suddenly, they change direction and hurtle out of the lower right corner. For abstract paintings like this, Götz invented a new technique: a combination of glue and gouache that enabled him to paint in a strongly body-oriented manner, in which he carried out the broad planar sweeps with wooden scrapers. With his spontaneous gestures, he provided important impulses for Informel painting.

About the Acquisition

In 2010 the Städel Museum in Frankfurt acquired four main works of contemporary German art through a donation by Dorette Hildebrand-Staab. Despite the prevailing opinion at that time, the donor had recognised the significance of Georg Baselitz early on and encouraged and supported the artist for many years. The four paintings donated to the Städel collection had already been purchased by the patron in the 1960s - in part directly from the artist's own private collection.


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