Personification of Religion , Giuseppe Cesari;  gen. Il Cavalier d’Arpino
Giuseppe Cesari
Personification of Religion
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Giuseppe Cesari: Eine von zwei Figuren für die Treppe des Atriums von S. Giovanni zum ersten Geschoss des Lateranspalastes (verloren)

Giuseppe Cesari gen. Il Cavalier d’Arpino

Personification of Religion , ca. 1586 – 1587

291 x 194 mm
Physical Description
Black and red chalk
Inventory Number
Object Number
15209 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

It was Giuseppe Cesari himself who supplemented his name with a reference to his hometown Arpino. He had come to Rome at a young age and would work there for the rest of his life. The female figure holding up a building with a triumphant gesture is a symbolic depiction of religion. This we know from the inscription the artist made on its base (and later struck through). The dynamically composed personification may have served as a preliminary study for a fresco in the Lateran Palace.

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