Phone call III, Rainer Fetting
Rainer Fetting
Phone call III
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Rainer Fetting

Phone call III, 1984

229 x 183 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2010 as a gift from Rainer Fetting
Not on display


About the Work

The nude man in a dark, undefined space is exposed to the viewer's gaze. With arms outstretched, the slender body is leaning backwards against a bright yellow item of furniture, which transitions into abstract painting. His head is inclined and his legs are crossed casually as he gazes at his genitals. Between his left shoulder and his ear, he has clamped the receiver of a white telephone, the cable spiralling down his dark upper body. The picture wavers between external description and introspection. Rainer Fetting is a member of a group of West Berlin artists who, since the late 1970s, have brought about a revival of figuration in post-war painting. They record their own living environment, which is characterised by the scene, the big city and the spirit of the times.

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