Portrait of the Artist’s Wife on the Ottoman, Otto Scholderer
Otto Scholderer
Portrait of the Artist’s Wife on the Ottoman
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Otto Scholderer

Portrait of the Artist’s Wife on the Ottoman, 1873

69 x 82 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
SG 114
Acquired in 1909
Not on display


About the Work

The artist's wife is facing sideways towards the viewer and is looking at him in half-profile. Scholderer has paid great attention to detail in depicting her ample dress with its frills, her half-open hair and the rug on the back of the chair. In spite of the clayey colouring, the portrayal of the model contrasts with the two-dimensional background, which the artist has applied with a spatula. The painting differs greatly from Scholderer's earlier works. The influence of English painting, which Scholderer had studied intensively after moving to London in 1871, is in evidence here.

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