Pro Patria, Wilhelm Freddie
Wilhelm Freddie
Pro Patria
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Wilhelm Freddie

Pro Patria, 1941

100.4 x 77 cm
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2017 with means from the bequest of Werner Wirthle on occasion of the departure of Felix Krämer (Head of Modern Art, 2008-2017)
Not on display


About the Work

From the end of the 1920s onwards, the Danish artist Wilhelm Freddie developed a keen interest in the fantastical compositions of the French Surrealists. Pro Patra (Latin: “For the Fatherland”) was created during the German occupation of his home country. Elements such as the stone coffin on the right or the man with shackled feet on the left evoke an uncanny, morbid atmosphere. In marked contrast to this we find the figure of a laughing boy, who clutches the Danish flag “Dannebrog”. Together with the programmatic title this is an unmistakable affirmation of national resistance against the Nazi regime. Because of his political views Freddie was forced to flee into Swedish exile in 1944.

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