Räumliche Brechung eines Rechtecks, Hermann Glöckner
Hermann Glöckner
Räumliche Brechung eines Rechtecks
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Hermann Glöckner

Räumliche Brechung eines Rechtecks, ca. 1945

26 x 23.5 x 12 cm
Physical Description
Cardboard, sized and whitened
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2011 as a gift from Margarethe and Klaus Posselt
On display, lower level, Contemporary Art, room 6


About the Work

Foldings are key to Hermann Glöckner’s creative process. They determine – in the widest sense – both his painterly and his plastic works. It is inevitably a sheet of paper that forms the starting point and is altered through simple manipulation. The important German Constructivist proved to be an equally great example of Homo ludens, who playfully changed between plane and space, painting and sculpture. In his 1945 ‘Spatial Refraction of a Rectangle’, he transfers the two-dimensional picture support into the third dimension.

About the Acquisition

In 2010 the Städel Museum in Frankfurt acquired four main works of contemporary German art through a donation by Dorette Hildebrand-Staab. Despite the prevailing opinion at that time, the donor had recognised the significance of Georg Baselitz early on and encouraged and supported the artist for many years. The four paintings donated to the Städel collection had already been purchased by the patron in the 1960s - in part directly from the artist's own private collection.

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