The Bad Thief to the Left of Christ; former exterior wing of the triptych: Saint John the Baptist (fragment), Master of Flémalle, Robert Campin;  workshop
Master of Flémalle, Robert Campin
The Bad Thief to the Left of Christ; former exterior wing of the triptych: Saint John the Baptist (fragment)
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"Meister von Flémalle": Kreuzabnahme-Triptychon, um 1430, Mischtechnik auf Holz, vermutlich ehemals Brügge (zerstört)


Meister der Brügger Ursula-Legende (Umkreis): Triptychon mit der Kreuzabnahme Christi, letztes Drittel 15. Jh., Mischtechnik auf Eichenholz, 59,9 x 26,5 cm (linker Flügel), 59,0 x 60,2 cm (Mitteltafel), 59,6 x 26,3 cm (rechter Flügel), Inv.-Nr. WAG 1178, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

Master of Flémalle
Robert Campin workshop

The Bad Thief to the Left of Christ; former exterior wing of the triptych: Saint John the Baptist (fragment), ca. 1430

134.2 x 92.5 x min. 1.1 cm
maximum depth
1.1 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on oak
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1840
On display, 2nd upper level, Old Masters, room 5


About the Work

This imposing, cruelly exact image depicts the corpse of one of the two criminals crucified with Jesus. Executed in the workshop of Robert Campin in Tournai around 1430 – at about the same time as the Van Eyck brothers’ Ghent Altarpiece – it is all that remains of one of the most important retables of fifteenth-century Netherlands. The central section of the triptych, of which many copies survive, showed the Deposition. The Städel panel formed the upper half of the inside of the right-hand wing; the outer side showed John the Baptist as a simulated sculpture.


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