The Venetians Defend Themselves against the Siege of Pippin, Jacopo Palma il Giovane
Jacopo Palma il Giovane
The Venetians Defend Themselves against the Siege of Pippin
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Jacopo Palma il Giovane: Die Venezianer verteidigen sich gegen die Belagerung Pippins, ca. 1581 (vor 1587), Feder in Braun, braun laviert, auf rosa grundiertem Papier, 182 x 137 mm. Kunsthandel

Jacopo Palma il Giovane: Beleg van Venetië, ca. 1575-1585, Feder in Braun, braun laviert, weiß gehöht, 265 x 195 mm. Inv. Nr. RP-T-1948-365, Rijksmuseum, Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam

Jacopo Palma il Giovane

The Venetians Defend Themselves against the Siege of Pippin, ca. 1579 – 1580

261 x 270 mm
Blatt (mit Anstückung)
300 mm
Physical Description
Brown ink over black pen, brown washes, framing line with black ink on all sides, on ribbed laid paper, distance of chain lines (horizontal) |28|29|29|28|29|29|28|28|
Inventory Number
Object Number
609 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Work

The drawing is one of a series of studies for a painting by Palma originally in the Sala dello Scrutinio in the Doge’s Palace. The latter, in turn, was part of a cycle depicting Venice’s successful wars and battles. Here we see a scene of the year 809, when Pippin, the king of Franconia, attacked and besieged the town. The Venetians resorted to a ruse: They bombarded the enemy’s army with loaves of bread to make him think the city had abundant stores of food and a siege was accordingly doomed to failure. The Franconians fell for the trick and ceased the blockade; Venice remained a free city.

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