Vor Weiß-Grün, Fritz Winter
Fritz Winter
Vor Weiß-Grün
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Fritz Winter

Vor Weiß-Grün, 1952

135 x 145 cm
Physical Description
Oil on canvas
Inventory Number
HST 1276
Object Number
LG 97
On permanet loan from the Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlung, Fritz-Winter-Stiftung since 2012
Not on display


About the Work

The lines become untangled in their vertical striving, growing upwards like mighty plant shoots. Graphic elements criss-cross the area of colour, forming cells of colour, becoming a painting in themselves. Fritz Winter enlivens his rather statically two-dimensional painting with a gestural dynamic. Winter was one of the protagonists of post-war abstraction and a founding member of the ZEN 49 group. While the references to landscape and abstraction in Winter's earlier works still balance each other out, in the early 1950s he resolutely separated himself from any kind of link to the physical world. His abstract pictorial language, the structure striving for order, allegorise the laws on which the visible world is based but which are hidden from our eyes. Winter encountered Informel art, the spontaneous conquest of the image surface as an action field, with controlled design decisions and a recognisable pictorial order.

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