looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
Jimmie Durham
looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use.
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  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham
  • looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., Jimmie Durham

Jimmie Durham

looking down on a country full of suggestive names and ancient memories and implied stories (especially if you are exhilarated by a beautiful walk and have a flask in your pocket), shows you the world as a very smooth place, fairly rubbed so by human use., 1993

66,3 x 102,4 x 147,3 cm
Material und Technik
PVC-Rohr, Holz, Farbe, Draht und Knochen
Erworben 2019 als Schenkung von Dieter und Birgit Broska, Eigentum des Städelschen Museums-Vereins e.V.
Ausgestellt, Untergeschoss, Gegenwartskunst, Raum 11


Über das Werk

Jimmie Durhams skulpturale Assemblagen aus unterschiedlichsten Materialien sind fantasievolle Figuren zwischen Tier und Mensch. Zähne, Knochen mitunter gesamte Tierschädel werden Teil seiner Werke. Der Künstler spielt mit der Aneignung kultureller Identitäten: Er setzt sich sowohl mit religiösen wie kulturellen Riten auseinander als auch mit den Cherokees, einem der indigenen Völker Nordamerikas, zu denen er sich zugehörig fühlt. Dieses irritierend anspielungsreiche Objekt ist ein Selbstporträt als Tier und zugleich Konsumobjekt, es lebt wesentlich von der Mischung aus Vertrautem und schwer greifbar Fremdem.



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