Sketch for the ceiling fresco in the Capella d'Eleonora di Toledo, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Agnolo Bronzino
Agnolo Bronzino
Sketch for the ceiling fresco in the Capella d'Eleonora di Toledo, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence
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Agnolo Bronzino: Deckenausmalung der Cappella d'Eleonora di Toledo, ca. 1540/1541, Deckenfresko, 490 x 385 cm. Palazzo Vecchio, Cappella d'Eleonora di Toledo, Florenz

Agnolo Bronzino

Sketch for the ceiling fresco in the Capella d'Eleonora di Toledo, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, ca. 1539 – 1540

345 x 261 mm
Physical Description
Grey ink and brush in light-brown over black pen, brown washes, highlighted with white, framing line with brush in black on all sides, on ribbed paper primed in blue-grey, distance of chain lines (vertical) |39|29|29|39|
Inventory Number
Object Number
4344 Z
Request for presentation in the study room of the Prints and Drawings Department


About the Acquisition

In March 1815, the Frankfurt businessman and banker Johann Friedrich Städel bequeathed his entire fortune and art collection to a foundation which was to be named after him: the 'Städelsches Kunstinstitut'. However, he also dedicated the foundation to the citizens of Frankfurt immaterially, wishing it to be an "adornment and of practical use" to Frankfurt's citizenry. He was thus the first ordinary citizen in the German-speaking region to found a public art museum: the present-day Städel Museum. When he died, his collection comprised 476 paintings, some 4,600 drawings, almost 10,000 printed graphics and valuable books.

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