The Death of the Virgin, Marco Zoppo
Marco Zoppo
The Death of the Virgin
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Marco Zoppo: Dieu le Père dans une mandorle (verso), Feder in Braun auf Papier, 108 x 179 mm. Inv. Nr. RF 29484, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Cabinet des dessins, Paris

Marco Zoppo

The Death of the Virgin, ca. 1470?

148 x 177 mm
Physical Description
Brown ink, framing line with brown ink on all sides, on reddish-tinted ribbed paper, distance of chain lines (vertical) |29|21|34|36|
Inventory Number
Object Number
3476V Z
Acquired in 1847
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)

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