The Lamentation of Christ, Marco Zoppo
Marco Zoppo
The Lamentation of Christ
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Marco Zoppo: Mise au Tombeau, Pinsel und Feder in Braun auf Papier, 108 x 179 mm. Inv. Nr. RF 29484, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Cabinet des dessins, Paris

Marco Zoppo

The Lamentation of Christ, ca. 1470?

148 x 177 mm
Physical Description
Brown ink, framing line with brown ink on all sides, on reddish-tinted paper, distance of chain lines (vertical) |29|21|34|36|
Inventory Number
Object Number
3476 Z
Acquired in 1847
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)


About the Work

Zoppo was presumably Venice’s most important ‘humanist’ painter after Andrea Mantegna; moreover, he was an accomplished draughtsman. The Frankfurt work was originally in the Madonna Sketchbook produced around 1470. The scene has been staged in a spatially sophisticated and highly dramatic manner. The rigid, dead figure of Christ in the foreground is set off sharply against the expressively mourning apostles further back, the scene’s actual spectators. This contrast is also reflected in the manner of execution.

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