Louvre 3, Paris 1989, Thomas Struth
Thomas Struth
Louvre 3, Paris 1989
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Thomas Struth

Louvre 3, Paris 1989, 1989 (print 2012)

155 x 172 cm
Physical Description
Inventory Number
DZF 48
Collection DZ BANK at the Städel Museum
Not on display


About the Work

Before people began to appear in his photographs, Thomas Struth trained his camera on facades and empty streets, where passers-by would slowly appear. Struth began "sculpting with light" in 1976, when the apprentice artist broke off his study of the painterly aspects of surface under Gerhard Richter, in order to attend the class of Bernd and Hilla Becher at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art and practise how to photograph the actual state of things through the eyes of a painter. During his scholarship year in New York, he would gaze into the early-morning emptiness of the canyons between the buildings of the Big Apple. He later did the same in Paris with its rows of apartment houses, high-rise buildings like pile-dwellings (totems), historic city districts - and then, gradually, the views of the city's busy streets and public squares. When Struth abandoned these in order to penetrate into the interiors of houses and to photograph upper-class families in poses they chose themselves, he also produced at the same time the famous series in which he observed the public in the great museums. Here, Struth's camera approaches the visitors in the same way as they approach the paintings: with interest and fascination, but also with a certain astonishment and indifference, and a degree of exhaustion and obliviousness. The portraitist remained at a distance.


Kunst nach 1945: Thomas Struth
Thomas Struth (*1954) beschreibt hier wie es zu seinen "Museumsbildern" kam. Was für Verbindungen entsteht durch die Fotografie zwischen Besucher und Kunstwerk? Vom 26. April bis 13. August 2017 sind Arbeiten des Künstlers in der Ausstellung "Fotografien werden Bilder. Die Becher-Klasse" zu sehen. http://www.staedelmuseum.de/de/fotografien-werden-bilder#yt
Kunst|Stück – Dialog der Meisterwerke: Gegenwartskunst
Das Kunst|Stück zur Ausstellung "Dialog der Meisterwerke" zeigt, wie Thomas Struths Museumsbilder das Erlebnis des Ausstellungsbesuchs spiegeln und das Betrachten von Bildern im Museum ins Zentrum rücken. Dialog der Meisterwerke. Hoher Besuch zum Jubiläum (7. Oktober 2015 bis 24. Januar 2016): http://www.staedelmuseum.de/de/ausstellungen/dialog-der-meisterwerke#yt Die Ausstellung „Dialog der Meisterwerke. Hoher Besuch zum Jubiläum“ wurde gefördert durch die DZ Bank als Corporate Sponsor und die Förderer Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain gGmbH, Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne sowie der Kulturstiftung der Länder. -------------------------- Für Untertitel klicken Sie bitte auf das Untertitel-Symbol am rechten unteren Rand des Videos. / For subtitles please click the captions icon at the bottom of the video.

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